Met veel plezier nodig ik u uit voor de vernissage van Shapeshifters in Love 2 Arts Gallery in Antwerpen op zaterdag 22 februari om 18u30.
Love2Arts is een fijne galerie die zich vlak aan zwembad Wezenberg bevindt. Voor deze expo werk ik met veel plezier samen met Batist Vermeulen.
Als kunstenaars kneden we de realiteit, laten materialen fluisteren en spelen met hoe dingen worden waargenomen. Shapeshifters gaat over dat proces van (ver)vormen.
Verwacht een mix van sculpturen en (houtskool)tekeningen

Love²Arts is located in “Residentie Hertogenpark” at Desguinlei 90 in 2018 Antwerp, to the right of Mercure Antwerp City South Hotel. You can get to the Hertogenpark building either from the front (Desguinlei) or from the back (Karel Oomsstraat).
Via Karel Oomsstraat
In the beginning of Karel Oomsstraat, there is a parking lot in the middle of the street, just opposite the Albert Heijn supermarket. If you follow the street on the left side, just where the parking area ends, you will see a Love²Arts / Opus 4 banner. The black iron gate to its right gives access to the Hertogenpark domain. Follow the footpath and you’ll find the entrance of the Hertogenpark building to your right.
Via Desguinlei
A pillar with banners (including the Love²Arts banner) separates the drive ways of the Mercure Hotel and the Hertogenpark domain. To the right of the pillar, there is a small footpath leading to the domain, then a drive way going down (underground parking lot reserved for inhabitants of Residentie Hertogenpark) and finally a drive way with a barrier gate (for visitors). If you follow the small footpath or get in through the barrier gate, you will see the drive way split into left and straight ahead. Go left for the small parking lot and straight ahead for the entrance of the Hertogenpark building.
After you enter the “Residentie Hertogenpark” building, you’ll find us behind the second glass door to the right.
There is a parking area nearby, in the middle of Karel Oomsstraat, opposite the Albert Heijn supermarket. Parking is free of charge every working day after 7pm, on Sundays and on holidays. From there, you can enter the Hertogenpark domain through its back gate; look for the Love²Arts / Opus 4 banner right next to the gate.
It is also possible to park on the Hertogenpark domain if space is available. Turn right onto Desguinlei 90 (before the pillar with the Love²Arts banner) and hold as far to the right as possible (do not drive down) toward the barrier gate. If the barrier gate is operational, your free use of the parking space is limited to two hours. Press the white button to receive a ticket with which you can exit the domain again. Charges apply after two hours.